LIVESTREAM | Dissertation Defense: Acting a Part in the Ecstatic Love of the Divine | by Travis DiRuzza

Dearest Ladies and Gentlemen, Trans Folk, and Humans of all Kind(s),

My magnificent husband— the remarkably intelligent, outstandingly wise, and now scholar of western history and philosophy, Travis DiRuzza, will defend his dissertation on Friday, December 6th at 2PM Eastern Time (11AM Pacific). We cordially invite you to come join in on the fun and celebrations of a 25+ year journey of education! Travis will present for approximately forty minutes followed by questions from his committee and you — the public. All are welcome, so please invite your friends! The more the merrier!!

Join us on Zoom here:

How does the world relate to the divine? Plato proposes the doctrine of participation to describe this complex relationship in which divinity is both a part of the world and yet apart from it. Participation gives rise to philosophical problems and enigmas that are only fully resolved in the course of a 1200-year evolution culminating in the work of Maximus the Confessor. Travis will trace this history of ideas and then explore how the participatory relationship with the divine may serve as a template for our relationships with each other.

I also hear there will be a fascinating and original discussion of participation, archetypes, and astrology in this defense. Travis’ dissertation already has raving reviews. See you there~!

In Joyful Celebration,

Jessica and Travis DiRuzza

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